The Reading Shelf

I love reading books, especially Young Adult books of all kinds. I have a book reviewing blog (The Reading Shelf) that I try to update whenever I'm not reading or procrastinating on the internet.

Happy Friday the 13th! Meet Good Luck Black Cats

Reblogged from BookLikes:

Whether you believe in Friday 13th bad luck or not, we wish you all the best and all the luck. Btw, we think the superstition about bad luck black cats was made up by white cats' gang. Just look at those pics! Black cats are no-bad-luck book lovers!


Stamp your feet via Lenore 


Reading lesson via Lenore


The Sleepyhead via Tina Sandevska


Smart one via


Just sitting via 



and sitting via


and still sitting via


Come, sit by via


Mark Twain’s vintage cat Bambino via


Lucky 13 via


Happy Friday the 13th and good luck! ;-)