The Reading Shelf

I love reading books, especially Young Adult books of all kinds. I have a book reviewing blog (The Reading Shelf) that I try to update whenever I'm not reading or procrastinating on the internet.

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

The Distance Between Us - Kasie West

I thought Kasie West’s Pivot Point was pretty enjoyable, but this book has cemented my love of this author. Maybe I just prefer it when there isn’t paranormal drama mixed in – I like the romantic and family drama much more!


I don’t think I have much to say about this book, though, but that’s definitely not a sign that this was a bad or lacklustre book (obviously).


First off, there’s Caymen. She is hilarious. People keep saying that she’s very dry and sarcastic, but rather than coming off as an informed trait, West really shows the humor. Caymen is awesome. She’s always making sarcastic little comments with a straight face so that so many people have trouble figuring out if it’s a joke but I like to think that I totally get them. She never seemed too whiny or irritating to me.


Same with her best friend. I have a pretty uneven relationship with best friends in YA, normally not so good. I loved Skye, though. She seems like an equally awesome person, even if she doesn’t have the same awesome and dry humor. Same with Skye’s boyfriend and plenty of other great secondary characters – all hilarious and pretty real despite the short length of this book.


And there’s the romance. Well, frankly, it’s just adorable. Xander is awesome and not a jerk despite his great privilege. Their moments together are just cute. There isn’t too much needless romantic drama and family drama. I mean, there is drama, but it’s all entertaining and fun.


So, yeah, this was just an adorable book. Pretty short and fluffy, but I feel like it’s from the upper branch of the fluffy books – not the kind of book that makes you feel guilty for enjoying, just the kind that makes you smile the whole time. I definitely want to read more from West, especially her contemporary works.